How We Are Doing Our Part To Prevent The Spread of COVID-19
COVID-19 has had a significant effect on our families and communities on a society-wide scale. In our fight to prevent the spread and amidst our creative concern for staying closely connected, one of the things that we have all learned, is more about ourselves and our neighboring cultures. Along with ourselves, the creators in our midst that we have partnered with have exhibited cleary a respect for what coronavirus is and what its doing. Born Rich Customs has helped by donating resources, creating and maintaining a positive attitude towards our circumstances, and at base level, maintain a clean environment wherever we may operate, as well as staying in touch by many remote means in this newly hyper-charged digital age. We hope that by joining the fight we can provide additional motivation through quality design on COVID-19 preventable wear and accessories. Through this, we are looking forward to a coronavirus free world, safety first!